What they won't teach you in School

I believe that the life you live is in exact replica of your thought, that you are the manifestation of thoughts and feelings that had sprouted your past decision and I strongly believe that, either consciously or unconsciously you still continue to plant thoughts and feelings that sooner or latter will manifest in your life. Thought precedes every action and our universe is bounded by set of laws that ensure we get back the exact thought we plant in our mind. Some of these laws are physical, others are spiritual or quantum. The more scientists study the world in quantum level the more they are convinced of the intelligent design. Albert Einstein once said "Everyone who is seriously involve in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the universe. One of these laws is call the law of reaping and sowing or the law of attraction. This law simply states that "whatever you plant in your mind will eventually manifest in outside world" Our mind literally attracts what we always think about, the mind is like a fertile land it doesn't care what you plant on it, whatever you put in it germinates. Imagine your thought like a Mango seed, your mind like the fertile land, your feeling like the sun and your action like water to wet the seed, sooner or latter the seed will sprouts into a mighty Mango tree for your enjoyment. Mind you, you cannot plant an Apple seed and expect Mango, similarly you cannot dwell on failure and expect successful result. what you constantly think about is what you get.

So you ask me what is it that they don't teach us in school?
It's simple, you might have heard the expression "energy flows where your attention goes". school is training you to focus and think about what you don't want, they constantly tell you about failure, make you think about poverty and its bitterness, they won't teach you how to have prosperity consciousness, how to be success magnet, school will teach you the exact opposite by threatening you with failure and fear. Some lecturer would say you "before you could have an F in a particular course you have to work round the clock" isn't that disgusting? Every time, this method makes your mind resonate a frequency of wanting not to fail and this thought will attracts circumstances that lead to failure, this is because the thought is in form of energy and it attracts similar energy, our destiny surrounds us just like the cloud and it's been manifest by what we dwell on in our mind, when you put strength of positive thinking into your life, you'll get back in astonishment an exact positive outcome, and when you put strength of negative thinking into your life you'll surely get back the exact negative result. I'm not telling you this just because I want you to take a new philosophy but because this simple idea I'm telling you changed my life. When I realize that whatever I put in my mind manifest, I begin to think about what I want and forget what I don't want, or what people say to me that I don't want. I write down my goals in a crystal clear format and visualize them as I think about them everyday. I started to attract people and circumstances that assisted me in achieving my goals, when I needed a job, I said to myself the kind of job I wanted, I think about this job long enough that it is hard to tell what was real and what was imaginary until I stumbled on a company that offers such job, I applied without vacancy advert and to my surprise I got the job even before the end of the interview. This incident strengthened my believe that "we become what we think about".

One thing I want you to remember is that we live in a world that is obsessed with drama and negative energy, you have to consciously put out your negative vibration and cultivate your mind for success, happiness, understanding, opulence, kindness, love and prosperity. Believe in them and see them manifest at the exact time. Everything has its season, the mango seed you planted has its season for harvest, same is your thought, you have to water it always and trust the process, you can't rush it, you evolve with the process by doing what you don't believe you could do until you are equipped with those skills that will eventually manifest your success. Since life is in constant reaping and sowing, what you put into the world is what you get, the way you treat others is the way you'll be treated, what you say about others is what they will say about you. So show love and you'll be loved, say to people positive words and your life will reflects positivity, as Florence Scovel Shinn said "The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or latter with an outstanding accuracy". If you master this simple law you'll be able to create happiness in every area of your life, what you have to remember is that your thought is a seed and your mind is a fertile land, whatever you plant in it, it will always yield result.

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This is Yusuf Olanrewaju from YourDreamHood and I support your dream.


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