How much do you love yourself?

One very big thing about the generosity of our universe is LOVE. God is love and God is law, the Qur'an and the Bible give credence to this "If truly you love me, follow my commandment I'll love you the more". God created our universe with so much love for us that he made the universe to gives to us whatever we ask in thoughts, words, feelings and actions, whether good or bad the universe gives to us generously in exact reflection of our conscious or unconscious desires.
Because we literally create our reality, so whatever we put into the universe in form of energy it gives back to us in exact replica but the question is, how much energy are you putting into the universe for your benefit?, How much do you love yourself?

If you understand the value of self love you won't hangout with those kinds of people, you won't doubt yourself of how great you can be.
When I say self love, it has nothing to do with your look, or celebrity, money, car or any of those superficial things that negative mind would think having them would create more self love, what I mean is knowing your self-value, your self-worth. Knowing how much you've invested in yourself in time and resources and at what value this can be negotiated.

Often in life we look down to ourselves by cherishing others accomplishments and wished we were them, sometimes we go so low in self esteem by trying to imitate others, we follow their life style, we do what they do, we dress the way they dress among other things that have created in us the the kind of way we wish to feel important and if this doesn't happen as we wanted, many become depressed and have nothing left than self hate.
The first person you need to love you is you, until you love yourself that you begin to give to yourself all the goodies of self investment which in return will bring development and virtue. The more you love yourself the more you believe in yourself and the more others like you for you. As Florence Scovel Shinn Said "The first start toward success is to be glad you are yourself".

See, people you see out there are empty, you need not their approval to be who you are meant to be, the cosmetic may paint you as beautiful, but the real beautiful you is in the mirror of your mind, look into your mind where cosmetic can't be applied and paint the beautiful you and believe you are as you see yourself to be. Fear, doubt, anxiety, anger, resentment pull down the cells of the body, shock the nervous system and are the causes of low self-reliance, disease and  disaster. Happiness and  health must be earned  by  absolute control of the emotional nature. When you truly love yourself you will believe in self evaluation that you begin to ask yourself some critical questions like, "were was I last year?", "how many books have I read in the last ninety days?", "what new skills do I need?", "where do I want to be in the next five years?", "what do I want to be known for?", "Who have I become?", "what are my impacts on my friends, family and everyone I meet?" and you will be surprised as the answers would naturally come to you, you will also discover that you cannot inspire people, or become great without self love and being happy knowing all that is true for yourself as self love is the cure to self hate.

This is Yusuf Olanrewaju from yourdreamhood and I support your dream.

Do you think there's other way to self love other than this presentation? Let's have you comment in the box below


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