Are you a dreamer?

What if I ask you "are you a dreamer?" Your answer surely would be "yes". And what if I tell you "You are not yet a dreamer" you'd probably be shocked and find my statement disgusting because, you have dreams, everyone does but the true dreamers have more than just dreams, they have BELIEF. everything you want to be is on the other side of FEAR, dreamers always ignore their fear to act on what they believe.

What if i told you bout 200 years ago, that an object of average weight of 75 tons would fly in the sky from a place far and land safely in no much time, CRAZY you would called me? Orville and Wilbur Wright (the Wright Brothers) had crazy dream and believe to have given us the first aircraft.
What if you met Thomas Edison when he was struggling with the prototypes of electric bulb for the 10,000th time, you would called him INSANE?
Thanks to Thomas Edison's insanity to have pushed him to try the 10,000th time for us to have commercially visible electric light bulb today. Nicholas Tesla, Albert Einstein, Marrie Currie, Robert Millikan, Steve Job, Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerbarg, Larry Page and Sergey Bring, Prof. Larry Scott of south Africa, Prof. Femi Osofisan of Nigeria and many others, these are individuals committed to something seems infinite but yield a quantifiable change, their desire to create and make a difference is far greater than the fear of failing because of their staunch belief that we become what we think about.

Dreamers always seem impractical, but the truth is, they are the most practical, their persistence and believe have made life a better place for all of us.
The great scientist and 11th president of India A.P.J Abdul Kalam said "dream is not what you see in sleep, it is the thing which doesn't let you sleep".
Dreamers have continuous thought about what they want to become and the reality of it appears to them in their mind which make them believe and become determined on what they see in their imagination.

Quantum physics has shown that our thoughts create reality, the double slits experiment in physics also proves this, when a single electron fired repeatedly through a double slit, an interference pattern is seen on the screen (which acts as a detector), this interference pattern appears on the screen corresponding to the shape of the electron wave. Your thought is a wave and your mind is the screen (the detector), the more the thought of your dream, the more the reality appears in you mind and the more convinced you will be that it is possible and you will do anything in achieving it. This is what happens in the mind of the dreamers that pushes them to shape our world.
Your dream won't be easy, because if it is, everyone would do it, dream always change the dreamers, it pushed them out of their comfort zone, and make them act differently that other would think they are stupid, if your dream doesn't makes you look stupid, you're not dreaming yet. your dream would be difficult, that is why people would say to you it is impossible, even someone closer to you would called you stupid, your family may doubt you the most but, it is your dream, it is bigger than them and only you can see the reality and know how proud you'll be if you succeed. If you constantly think about something in life and you are ready to go for it, everything in the universe will conspire in helping you achieve it and the result will surprise you. Though, the universe has its way of testing your determination, you'll fail at some point, you'll be frustrated to quit but when you find your path you must not be afraid you must have sufficient courage to make mistake, tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. When you eventually succeed you will be proud like Thomas Edison when he became famous for saying “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”

To dream is to see what other see as impossible such that when you eventually succeed it seems profound and surprises them, so become a dreamer, believe, act, create and succeed that would make you to say you've make the universe better than you met it.

If you find this message helpful, give me your word of encouragement in the comment box below and share on your social media page to help others.

This is Yusuf Lekan from YourDreamHood and I support your dream.


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