How Music; Frequency and Vibration affect your dream

One thing we all have in common is the instinctive response to sound, we instinctively understand the vibrational connection of all things through sound. Music is the only powerful universal language that connects all culture. Everyone has a special connection to sound puts in rhythmic pattern. Tune on a fast playing song around a two years old child, you will be surprised how he can't help but to dance to the beat. We naturally understand any message sends with a rhythmic sound, we connect with it instantly, but few people actually know the power that frequency of sound posses, it can be use as weapon and it can be use as healing.

In ancient years, sound is used to study the geometric pattern of object or liquid, different patterns emerge in the excitatory medium depending on the geometry of the object and the driving frequency. This is known as Cymatics. Cymatics is the study of wave phenomenon and vibration through sound, it is a method that demonstrate the vibratory nature of reality through frequency and vibration. On July 8, 1680, Robert Hooke was able to see the nodal patterns associated with the modes of vibration of glass plates, similar to those carried out earlier by Galileo Galilei around 1630. This provided an important contribution to the understanding of acoustic phenomena and the functioning of musical instruments.

Studies have also shown that frequency can be use in positive or negative ways, it has been proven that some frequencies can help tune the brain for better focusing while learning and some low frequencies cause major discomfort to the brain and has unhealthy effect in the human body. There are two major frequencies that have tremendous positive effect on human body, these frequencies are 432Hz and 528Hz. 528Hz is regarded as Miracle tone which is often associated with DNA repair, it resonate with human body and nature. 432Hz is a sound frequency that is mathematically tuned and most consistent to nature. Music based on 432Hz has a beneficial healing effect on human body because it is a tone that is fundamental to nature ability to repair itself. Both 432Hz and 528Hz are notes of the same celestial sound and have proven to create healing vibration to the mind, body and soul. Great composers and orchestra including Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, Mob Marley and recently Asa use 432Hz that is why their music have healing and soothing effect.

However, there are other frequencies that have detrimental effect to human body. 440Hz is one of those frequencies, it is not in good resonance to human mind and spirit, it is unnatural frequency that is not found anywhere in nature but when certain authority discovered the effect this frequency has in human they began to use it to their own benefit and detriment of others. They know that music affect the atmosphere and the behavior of people that are listening, so they use this frequency to gain power and wealth while affecting the mental faculty of others who are listening.
Let's go history line. In Nazis Germany, the propaganda minister Joseph Goldberg changed original scale frequency from 432Hz to 440Hz, the found that 440Hz has emotional effect in human mind and can keep them under certain control, thus 440Hz frequency was adopted by the Rockefeller Foundation and set as the official scale for music. Rock music, hip hop and other forms of today's music are recorded on this 440Hz scale. A lot of this information has been suppressed and kept away from people because if people understood the dynamic effect of frequency and sound they will have the ability to unlock their negative limitations.

One of the things that has been kept from us is the power of our emotions, our emotions has physical impact in the world, we literally attract things into our life based on our feelings and emotions.
Have you ever heard about Masaru Emoto? The major media have not spent too many words about this person. Maybe the reason is that his discoveries are so sensational that could trigger something that is unwelcome for the Human Being: a strong growth of consciousness. A very counterproductive quality for the system!
Masaru Emoto was a Japanese researcher who discovered something very important: the water has a memory and is able to store information.
The most engaging aspect of his discovery is that water reacts differently according to the information it receives, showing, through its crystals, forms that can be more or less harmonious, beautiful.
So, if the water is influenced by a positive information (for example, “THANK YOU”) it will show its crystals in homogeneous and harmonious forms; on the contrary the water influenced by negative information (for example, “I HATE YOU”) will show crystals with uneven and amorphous forms, these experiments were conducted taking pictures of the frozen water samples through powerful microscopes.

You doubt this? It's simple, get water inside a container and play a loud sound of any frequency inside it, you will see that the water will vibrates. Observe the vibratory pattern and do same for low frequency. So, what is the essence of Masaru Emoto experiment in our life?
Remember that your body is made up of about 70% of water and the water you have in your body behaves exactly as above mentioned. But also people around you are made of water! From this theory, you can well understand how your words, your thoughts, and your emotions can influence and literally change the person or the biological being to whom they are addressed.
Everything is energy, sound is also energy and consequently word is an energy, if someone talks negative to you, it has vibratory effect in your mind and body, you either feel bad or get upset, positive word has beautiful vibratory effect which makes you feel happy and rightly behave.
Some people believe that music helps them to assimilate, so when they read they play a background music of 440Hz frequency and this distort the initial beautiful geometric pattern of their brain and they forget easily. I want to charge you to study what you listen to, because whatever you listen to has effect in your life and might be poisonous to your dream.

If this presentation is helpful, kindly let's have your kind comment in the box below.

This is Yusuf Olanrewaju from YourDreamHood and I support your dream.


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