If you know what you want, you can have it.

In this presentation, I'm go to teach you a secret about why you haven't get what you want in life. What you're about to read is a proven process that has been working for me and many successful people I know.

Some times ago, I asked myself "what is the true secret of attaining a desirable possession? were some people born under the lucky star or some were charmed to be able to possess things that are admirable? And if not what is the cause of different conditions that each men lives?

After observing, reading and experimenting about people who got what they want and those who didn't, I was convinced that there is just a simple non complex difference between these people. If wishes were horses, beggars will ride. This is the attitude of many men and women with regard to possessions, they are not aware of a power they possessed, a power so new that it is natural, so simple in operation that it is difficult to conceive, and so sure in result that it is not made use of consciously or recognized as the cause of failure or success.

There is always stream of thoughts in the mind of people who give no real thought on what they truly want, they admired every good possession of others and wished they could have such as well, if you're this type of people, you may likely need to start to change your situation. You can't have it when you don't want it, you can't have it by only wishes, you must do the following

1. Go get what you want: to do this, you must know what you want, and this is no easy task. To do this you have to train you objective mind, the mind you use everyday to decide definitely the condition you desire, to take a big step to focus on what you want, and you need to know your equipment and plan.

You have within you a mighty power, a power willing to serve you and can be trusted to give you that which you honestly desire, this power is described by Thomson J. Hotson PhD. LLB as the subconscious mind. Other authors called in the Objective mind or inner mind but I call it your inner self. You have to ask your inner self what is it that you sincerely want, and when this is established you can't stop than to go for it. Of course, to do this, it will be challenging but it isn't a miracle. Imagine your self as radio receiver, you just have to atune your frequency to connect with the frequency of what you want, and this can only be achieved with you mind.

2. Make your plan: Get a pen and write down all your heart desire, and when exactly you want them. Don't be intimidated that you want too much, write then down in no order, you can add or remove till your heart incline to all you truly want, don't be discouraged about any changes as it is natural to have change in desire, don't disturb yourself on how it will happen, though it is natural to be skeptical about how this will happen, but all you need is to just focus on what you want and go for it.

3. Follow the rules of accomplishment.
I. Read your list for an appreciable times a day, three to four times is good
II. Think about what you want as often as you can
III. Do not tell anyone about what you want except the great power within you which will unfold to your subjective mind the method of accomplishment.

4. Sometimes you're the problem: it is normal that you may not acquire the faith at the beginning, some of your desires may seem unrealistic bit never the less write them down and read them to yourself, don't disturb yourself to analyse how the power within you is going to accomplish your desire, it is as unnecessary as wanting to know how a grain of corn when placed in the soil will sprouts, blossoms and produces a whole of corn containing hundreds of grains each capable to do what a single corn did. If you take action and focus on the result by following the rules, the process will run as mysteriously as that of grain of coin and more sooner than you expect.

5. Take care of others: the greatest good comes from helping others without expecting praise. To receive you have to give. Don't give because you are asked to or begged, give because it is natural and lofty to give, do it with cheerfulness and happiness. Let the radiation of giving be shown in your face, let the receiver feels it that you are so happy to give without expecting anything in return, give with love and care, then watch the how mysteriously you desires manifest.

This is Yusuf Olanrewaju fro yourdreamhood and I support your dream.


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