What is your WHY?

There are several people out there who are greatly talented but will never be great, yes they will never be, because, they haven't found their WHY, and they may never find it, these people are called the average. Everyone is gifted, i strongly believe God doesn't create anyone without a gift, it is your responsibility to find out what your gift is and your purpose of life with it. Average peoples know they are gifted but they did not know why and how to use it. Your WHY I mean is not "what you want to do" but "why do you want to do it?, or why you do what you do?".
Why are you in school? Why did you study that course? Why are you doing that job? Would you want to do what you do even when no one ask you to? even when no one cares about what you do, even when it is not comfortable?.
In essence, what is your passion? What inspires and motivates you? What do you want to change? Steve Job once said "I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today. And whenever the answer has been, “no” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something".

All great men of history know their WHY, they knew they needed to change something and they went for it regardless of the setback. When you know your why you become fearless, and what you see is only the eureka moment, the moment you'll be congratulated and referred to as great man or woman.
Many men and women who aspire to be great but could not, only end up blaming it to their predicament, they find excuses in not becoming who they wanted to be and that's not you, you aren't an average person, you aren't an average student, you are meant to be great, your present predicament is nothing but ordinary psychological illusion and can only be erased by using the power of your mind, change your thoughts, that will change your life. So you got to look out for what you want, what you have to change. Your eyes are the window into your mind and your mind is the door into the universe where the greatest you resides.

There are many great men in the grave who never become great because they think their WHY doesn't worth dying for, but they died eventually. Death is the common thing we all share though it is astonishing that no one wants to die, even those who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. If you know your WHY, you've successfully found what worth to die for, what will put your name in the sand of time.
Did I hear you say "that won't be easy" Yes it won't, don't think it would ever be, because if it were easy Thomas Edison won't founded the General Electric, someone else would, Hussain Bolt won't be the fastest man, someone else would, Steve Job won't got fired in the company he founded and returned to be better than he left, so don't think of ease, "ease is the greatest threat to success than hardship" said Denzel Washington.

When you find your WHY, you'll find alongside the following.
1. Your life purpose: you'll know what you love, what brings you happiness, I'm not talking about superficial material things like money, cars, houses, celebrity and all small things that entice negative minds, I mean value, a virtue that can only be connected with your name and brings you all the material things. When you see iPhone you remember Steve Job, when you hear Literature you remember Wole Soyinka, when you hear good grades and success who do you remember? Did your name ring bell in the circle?
2. Self Love: your WHY helps you know how much to invest in you, how much you love yourself, how much book you have to read, what skills you have to learn, what habit to change, what to upgrade; the fun Apps on your phone or your brain.
3. Your Worth: Self value comes from understanding your purpose, your self worth. When you value yourself you'll begin to screen who to hangout with. This is not pride, you will respect everyone for whom they are but you'll know who is in the same mission as you.
4. Value time: everyone has same 24 hours a day but the difference between great man and common man is how they value their time. Great man knows what to do with his time common man doesn't.
5. Strength and weakness: your WHY would show you how to persevere in your weakness and to leverage on your strength, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said "In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm, in the real world all rests on perseverance".
All great men persevere, no great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men. God did not give you life and all that he gave to you as gift only to live and eat by them, but for you to shine and better others, you are not born to live in vain, you're born to make history and help others to achieve greatness, but to do this, you must first find your WHY.

This is Yusuf Olanrewaju from YourDreamHood and I support your dream.

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