How to become successful with your mind.

In this presentation, I want to teach you a secret that if you master it, it will not only make your dream a reality but also will transform your life to success.
I have seen many people defining life based on their experiences, some say "life is a battle, to win you have to keep fighting" while some say "life is a race, if you don't run fast enough you'll be left behind". Recently, I heard some people saying "Life is an highway, overtaking is allowed", Albert Einstein was quoted to have said "life is like a bicycle, to gain your stability you have to keep moving". All these definitions made me marvelled and pondered about who is right and who is wrong because, in a battle you can kill or get killed, and to win a race that means you are in a competition with others and if life is to be an highway or a bicycle that means one has to keep one's head straight to avoid accident. The most astonishing result I have found about this definitions is that they are all right, even if you're to give your own definition you will also be right.

But the real definition of life is that "Life is as you picture it in your mind and it is a game govern by set of universal laws" as Florence Scovel Shinn once said "Life is a game which cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of Spiritual law". The Qur'an and Bible give the rules of the game with wonderful clearness. Both scriptures taught that it was a great game of "Giving and Receiving"
"So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it" Qur'an 99 vs 7-8.
"Whatsoever a man soweth  that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7-9.
This means that whatever  man sends out in word, deed, or feeling will return to him; what he gives, he will receive. If  he  gives hate, he will receive hate; if he gives love, he will receive love; if he gives criticism, he will receive criticism; if he lies he will be lied to; if he cheats he will be cheated.

We are taught also, that the  imaging faculty plays a  leading part in the game  of  life. Imagine something long enough in your mind it will surely becomes real. To play  successfully the game of life,  we must train the imaging  faculty. A person with an  imaging faculty trained to  image only good, brings into  his life "every righteous desire  of his heart"- health, wealth, love, friends, perfect self-expression, his  highest ideals.

The imagination has  been  called, "The  Scissors  of  The Mind," and it is ever cutting,  cutting, day  by  day, the pictures man  sees there,  and  sooner or  later he  meets his own  creations  in  his  outer  world. To train  the  imagination successfully, man  must understand the workings of  his mind. The Greeks said: "Know Thyself."
Here are seven facts about your mind.

1. The subconscious mind is always listening; it doesn't stops, even when you are sleeping, it is listening to everything said around you, that is why when you fall asleep while your TV set is turn on or some people are making conversation around, you seem to be dreaming only to wake up and realize it really happened.

2.Your mind is a giant tape recorder; it always records every word and event and saves them in form of mental movies and images, this is why you get disgusted or shivered upon hearing or witness a gory event and sometimes it appears in your dream.

3. The subconscious mind doesn't understand "No" or "Not"; for example, if you say "I am not a failure" the subconscious mind recognizes it as "i am a failure" and it keeps repeating it, and that will manifest. This is why it is important to always say your affirmation in terms of what you want instead of what you don't want. For example you say "I am successful" instead of "I am not a failure"

4. The subconscious mind cannot comprehend the future; it only knows now, it takes everything as present. So if you have a goal, think as if you already achieved it.

5. The subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imaginary; since it only knows now, it treats everything as real. This is the reason why you get scared by horror movie like goosebumps even when you know that it's not real.

6. The subconscious mind controls 95% of our life; this means it affects your behavior and habit. Most things you do or think about today is what you do or think about yesterday and a day before and a day before.

7. The subconscious mind changes by repetition; repeat a word or thought long enough, it will change your thinking, study shows that it takes minimum of 21 days to develop new belief or habit. This is the reason the more you hear about a product advert the more you believe and become attracted to it.

Having know all these tremendous power of your mind, you will realize that the game of life is a war of mind, there are several people how there trying to influence your mind, wouldn't it be better to use your mind to attract your life desires, remember "we become what we think about".

If this presentation is helpful, let's have your kind comment in the comment box.

This is Yusuf Olanrewaju from YourDreamHood and I support your dream.


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