Who's controlling your mind?

Believe it or not, someone somewhere somehow always wants to control your mind. We live in a world where some people are striving hard just to have control over our mind, they are trying to brainwash us every now and then. Muhammad Ali knows the power of brainwashing oneself so, he brainwashed himself for greatness. He said "I am the greatest, I said this even before I am". Either way it goes, you are going to be brainwashed but the question is "who's doing the brainwashing?" Florence Scovel Shinn once said "If you do not run your subconscious mind yourself someone else will run it for you". The media is trying to brainwash you, some religion clerics are trying to brainwash you, celebrities are trying to brainwash you, advertising companies are trying to brainwash you, this is the reason why they spend billions of dollar just to get into you paradigm; your believe system, they know that if they have control over your subconscious mind they can cont...