How to become your dream

I want to share with you a secret information, this information may go over some people's head but if you begin to understand it, trust me, it will be the best information you ever hear.
Believe it or not, we live in the world of endless dimension of realities. Our lives depend on the kind of reality we create in our minds. Quantum Physics now proves that we live in two simultaneous world; the invisible world of cause with thoughts, believes and feelings, and the physical world of material effect; where the results of the manifestation of our thoughts come into being. How you relate, talk, and act are the results of your thoughts and feelings. You share happiness because your mind is in happy mood, and you act otherwise because you feel within yourself otherwise.
poetry has shown how our world is better understood through imagery. A good poet would not muse from the physical being, he understands that the physical being is not aware of himself so he writes from the inner mind and paints his message in form of imagination through the use of metaphor, allegory, personification and other poetic devices to create realities on the mind of its reader, these realities are in form of energy and vibration which in turn send a frequency in form of electric signal via the neuron to the brain and the result manifest by shaping the reader's behavior, perspective and attitude.
The reason some people most times do not understand a poet language is because their mind are not attuned to the frequency signal that can connects and interprets the imagery painted, so their physical being doesn't appease by such energy and feeling.
Nicholas Tesla said "If you wish to understand the universe, think about energy, vibration and frequency".
Quantum physics confirms that our thoughts are waves which vibrate in different level of frequencies, which in effect make our body to vibrant in line with the energy created and connect in form of electromagnetic wave with all other energies that vibrate along the same frequency. This shows that, whatever you think about repeatedly in your mind will attracts to you the reality of it. if you think always of good, you will be surrounded by good circumstances and if you think always of evil, you will see evils all around as if you're design to witness them. If you think you're wealthy, intelligent, smart or friendly, you've created a signal which will draw to you circumstances that will prove that, truly you are smart, intelligent and friendly. And if you think you are not smart enough, poor, or not intelligent, you have successfully created a signal that will drives you through same circumstances that will prove what you think about yourself. This is why i always preach self-help, when you help yourself, all other outside help will be at your service.
Your consciousness creates reality and that is the secret I want to share with you, this secret is called "law of attraction or law of reaping and sowing", this law is the law of the universe and it is created by God to guide us towards our desire. So if you wish to change your life and become your dream, start by changing the way you think about yourself, think about standing in front of the mirror, tell yourself how smart you are, say it over and over again every day until the reality is created in your mind, don't think in future tense like "I will be great" think in present tense like "I'm great". I will be great is a probabilistic statement, "I'm great" is an affirmative statement.  this is what the famous heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali understood and mastered such that he said "I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was"
You've not become what you want to be not because you did not have dreams but because you haven't create the reality of your dream within yourself. The mind is easily fooled, it can not differentiate between what is real and what is imagined, that is why it's a great servant and bad master, the brain is just a machine, it does nothing than to interpret whatever imagination created in your mind. The reality you create and believe within yourself manifest in your physical world.
The only reason why people don't have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don't want than what they do want. So listen to your thought and listen to what you are saying about yourself, there is a tremendous power in spoken word and the law of attraction is absolute and there is no mistake.
Start creating good realities and feel as if they already manifest. I hope this presentation makes a paradigm shift in your life.

About the Author
©Yusuf Lekan Saheed, is a literary enthusiast, a physicist, a writer and social reformer. He believes both fear and faith demand believe in what cannot be seen and it is better to focus the mind on best outcome rather than worse result (Law of attraction).


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