7 Ways to manifest your dream

Take it or leave it, we live in a multiverse, everyday our world is advancing and the history of the past compared to the present makes it clear to us that we can live much better future. Without argument, the reality of the present is the manifestation of past dreams of some individuals who have committed to something seems infinite but now yield quantifiable changes, their desire to create and make a difference have made the earth better for all of us.This means that you also have the opportunity to create and make a difference in your life. The question is, what would you do to make that difference? It's simple, you have dream, yes, big dream that when you stare at it, it stares back at you and scares you to death. This is not strange, it happens and had happened to all great individuals who have made tremendous changes in our world. Here are seven steps among the several steps they followed, these steps would help make you the person you want to be.

1. Go outside your normal routine: Research has shown that when we choose to do something in contrary to the norm, it challenges us and creates a new pathway in our brain, it shapes the way we see things and subsequently it makes us creative. Your normal routine is your comfort zone, it is what you are at the moment, so if you have a dream of becoming better you have to leave that zone and choose another pathway that leads to the reality of your imagination. Although this will challenge you but the more challenge you are the clearer your reality.

2. Choose another thought: Science now proves that our mind generates about 60,000 thoughts every single day, but the unique thing about this thoughts is that 80% is the thoughts we have yesterday and a day before and a day before, the rest 20% is the thought we won't like to hold long in our mind because they are new and challenging. When you train yourself to choose a new thought you're rewiring your brain network which consequently restructure the brain to accommodate new believe and reality. The neurologists said "our brain is structured basically by our thought and can be altered by choosing a new thought"

3. Push yourself to take risk: all successful individuals you can point at have this in common, they pushed themselves to take risk by finding what they are passionate about and do all they could to achieve it, dreamers are risk takers and as such they are game changers. You got to change the game when necessary to achieve your dream.

4. Repetition: when something is continuously imagined and talked about it becomes reality, quantum physics now proves this. Reputation makes our brain to believe something imagined as real, it creates a mental picture of the feelings which received as signal to be interpreted and thus register it as if it is real. Repeat the thought of your dream every time until it becomes difficult to go a day without seeing yourself in the picture of it.

5. Stand guard to the door of your mind: Many people have thrown towel to their dream because someone somewhere told them it is impossible, it doesn't work that way in the real sense. Expect people to tell you more than worse stories of impossibilities, the most closer to you would doubt you, yours is to believe in yourself and the beauty of your dream. Nobody sees your dream better than you.

6. Invest in yourself: whatever you are doing determines who you are. Evaluate how much time you spend working on you, how much time you spend working on your dream, how much you give to yourself in terms of materials that will shape your reality and help you reach your goal. Give to yourself as much as you can, go for that training, engage in self study, create the people network and trust the process.

7. Choose the best success feeling: Congratulatory messages do birth uncommon pleasant feeling of fulfillment, you feel on top of the world and proud of whom you've become. Imagine that feeling of having your success story break in the news. Imagine that feeling of people congratulating you and act as if it already happening by saying out your response to them "thank you, thank you". This feeling will be registered in your brain and you start to believe it is real and as such you do become what you see.

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Thanks for reading.

This is Yusuf Lekan from yourdreamhood
and I support your dream.


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