How what you say to yourself becomes a reality

It is astonishing how we do not know the power of spoken word. Word has tremendously impact in our life, word kills and word heals. Word is who we are and the entire universe. The Almighty God Created the whole universe with word "Be" and everything began to exist.

Watch what you say about yourself, whatever you say transform into reality. Some say word is even powerful than thought because word is a thought expressed. Think about it in this way. Imagine someone says to you "you are crazy" the word have impact in you that you'll ask yourself "am I really crazy?" You literally create a reality of the opposite that "I'm sane" and you act it out by refuting what the person says about you immediately with action, this is ditto to someone says to you "you are beautiful" it soothing your heart and probably makes you blush. This is how you feel about what people say to you, but what about what you say to yourself? What you say to yourself is more powerful, it immediately makes the universe to conspire to show you in reality what you say you are. So when you say to yourself "I'm not intelligent enough" no matter how others feel you're intelligent you'll always not be, because your believe will always manifest.

Lisa M. Hayes said "Be careful of how you talk to yourself because you're listening", whatever you voice out, you're the first person to hear yourself and your mind is the first to believe, and whatever we believe always manifest just like a miracle. As the negative word someone said to you vibrant in you body the one you say about yourself do more than that, it pull all your energy and creativity to the believe that what you say about yourself is true and compel the universe to do the same and so it will be in reality.

So, if this is how word make and mar us, why can you leverage on using your word to become who you want to be. Say good affirmation about yourself such as "I'm great" "I'm healthy", "I'm wealthy", "I'm intelligent". Muhammad Ali successful use this technique of positive affirmation to become the world greatest boxer ever lived, he said "I've said that I'm the greatest even before I become great". When you say your affirmation with authority and believe, it will surely manifest, I've used this technique to change my life. I've accomplished many things that seem impossible by simply saying my affirmation "I'm successful". I've successfully won College election with this simple affirmation even when many said it to my face that I can never win, I've successfully pass a degree examination, got employment without vacancy advert and even now making money on my own with this affirmation.

I want to challenge you to watch what you say to yourself and choose a positive affirmation to say in the next 30 days. Research has shown that it takes 30days to create new believe. Talk about what you want in present tense format like "I'm a millionaire" or "I have the best examination grade" do not say "I will be a millionaire" it will always remain in the future. So say your affirmation with authority and believe for 30day and watch how your word manifest and your life changes.

Now it's you turn, what is the one word you would choose as affirmation to change your life in the next 30days? Drop it in the comment box bellow.

This is Yusuf Olanrewaju from yourdreamhood and I support your dream.


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