If you know what you want, you can have it.

In this presentation, I'm go to teach you a secret about why you haven't get what you want in life. What you're about to read is a proven process that has been working for me and many successful people I know. Some times ago, I asked myself "what is the true secret of attaining a desirable possession? were some people born under the lucky star or some were charmed to be able to possess things that are admirable? And if not what is the cause of different conditions that each men lives? After observing, reading and experimenting about people who got what they want and those who didn't, I was convinced that there is just a simple non complex difference between these people. If wishes were horses, beggars will ride. This is the attitude of many men and women with regard to possessions, they are not aware of a power they possessed, a power so new that it is natural, so simple in operation that it is difficult to conceive, and so sure in result that it is not made ...